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  2018 Region 3 Championships
schedule  results  
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  • Location:    5225 s. Redwood Road , Taylorsville, UT.   
  • Date: May 09, 2018 @ 3:00 pm.
  • Gender: Male & Female
  • Each team is allowed  5 entries in the meet
  • Each athlete is allowed to sign up in 4 events

    Meet Director Contact Information:
      Name: Clint Barnes
      Phone: 801-706-9500
      Cell Phone:
      Email: clintkbarnes@gmail.com

    Note From Meet Director:
    Entries a. Athletes can only participate in 4 events, including relays. b. Teams may enter up to 5 athletes per event. c. Teams can enter only one relay team per relay event. All entries must be in by noon on Monday May 8th. Seeding Meeting 6 pm Monday May 7th at Copper Hills. Food will be provided. Coaches only NO ATHLETES PLEASE! All Times used for entries must be achieved this year. All entries are final after the seeding meeting is over. No changes or addition will be made the day of the meet. Each school need to bring a 3x5 or 4x6 school flag to be displayed along the straightaway during the meet. Any questions please contact the meet director.

    team nameathparrel
    Team information not available
    event namepar
    100 Meter Hurdles Varsity (G)20
    100 meter Varsity (B)25
    100 meter Varsity (G)25
    110 Meter Hurdles Varsity (B)20
    1600 meter Varsity (B)25
    1600 meter Varsity (G)24
    200 meter Varsity (G)21
    200 meter Varsity (B)23
    300 Meter Hurdles Varsity (G)19
    300 Meter Hurdles Varsity (B)20
    3200 meter Varsity (B)23
    3200 meter Varsity (G)21
    400 meter Varsity (G)22
    400 meter Varsity (B)23
    800 meter Varsity (G)25
    800 meter Varsity (B)25
    Discus Varsity (B)20
    Discus Varsity (G)18
    High Jump Varsity (B)17
    High Jump Varsity (G)17
    Javelin Varsity (B)22
    Javelin Varsity (G)23
    Long Jump Varsity (G)21
    Long Jump Varsity (B)23
    Pole Vault Varsity (B)23
    Pole Vault Varsity (G)18
    Shot Put Varsity (B)20
    Shot Put Varsity (G)18
    4x100 Varsity (B)5
    4x100 Varsity (G)5
    4x400 Varsity (B)5
    4x400 Varsity (G)5
    Sprint Medley Relay 2-2-4-8 Varsity (B)5
    Sprint Medley Relay 2-2-4-8 Varsity (G)5
    par: # of participations for event
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